When Jesus say, “Yes,” nobody can say, “No.”
When Jesus say, “Yes,” nobody can say, “No.”

This hypnotic melody sung by Michelle Williams definitely speaks truth! If you’re a bit unfamiliar with her, she is 1/3 of the hip shaking, hit making, chart breaking early 2000’s girl group Destiny’s Child.

Though she once passionately implored us, “Ladies leave your man at home!”

On her 2014 cross-over Gospel hit, Say Yes, my girl Shelley hit the nail on the head!

The underlying tone and mood of the music video speaks volumes. In it, you see Michelle with her famous friends grooving to the beat while celebrating life, laughter and friendship.

The lyrics themselves set the stage for the message she hoped to communicate:

“I’m not worried ’bout a thing

‘Cause I know You are guiding me

Where You lead me, Lord, I will go

I have no fear ’cause I know who’s in control”


In my house there’s two little girls who love to dance and sing so this song is on continual repeat. If I’m honest, I like it too. There’s just something about singing about our God!

However, there’s another side to this song that we may overlook. It’s true, when Jesus says, “Yes!”, nobody can so no. But what about the times when his “yes” comes in a form we least expect? Or what if it’s (gasp) a “yes” we don’t like?

In June 2012, I found myself staring down this reality. My husband and I had just discovered we were going to have a ‘destiny’s child’ of our own. See what I did there? 😉

With most of the early memories of this pregnancy pretty hazy, one thing is for sure, I’ll never forget the reaction I had once the pregnancy test gave me a “yes” of its own.

You see, we were in the throngs of a very trying season. We already were the parents to two amazing little girls, who were only one and three years old at the time. Then, at some point in the equation (we didn’t plan on it), but we found ourselves apart of the tax-payer funded food stamp program. Debt collectors knew ALL of my numbers and shut off notices were the norm! To top it off, the Master’s degree I once found pride in, offered no relief in the midst of all this struggle.

Upon learning another baby was on the way, I was none too thrilled! In my shock, anger and extremely visible disappointment, I was becoming bitter with God. One day, I declared to my husband that I had decided we wouldn’t be announcing the coming arrival of this baby until my belly could tell no more lies. However, if you knew me at the time, you’d find this pretty hilarious since I was skin and bones despite already being a mother of two!

Nevertheless, I made up my mind to want no parts of Jesus’ “yes” for my life. The only yes I wanted to hear would relieve our present circumstances.

It’s interesting how so many of us can hear a song like Michelle Williams and get carried away with rocking to the beat and miss the heart of the lyrics.

I can’t knock any of you if that’s your story because it was obviously mine. Shoot, I was so caught up with singing the ad libs to even notice Jesus runs everything!

This is why it’s crucial for those of us who are Christians to not only read the Word but to also be students of the Word. God in His mercy, will reveal so much more to us if we would turn down the music and give him a listen instead.

I think Michelle would agree that our old friend Job knows a lil’ somethin’ somethin’ about when Jesus says, “yes”. Oh and that’s pronounced [J-O-E-B]. You know with the hard “o” sound not the soft “o” that we typically hear in the actual word ‘job’. As in the job we need to clock into every day to get paid! Lol Okay, let me get out of my homeschooling phonics bag. I’m sure I’m going to catch major side-eye from my husband due to all this corniness! 🙂

Job (from the Bible), not who you may have seen depicted on a South Park episode, faced some pretty peculiar challenges.

He found himself experiencing the symptoms of God saying, “yes”to a rather shifty character!

Job 1:6 sets the scene. There was a day when the angels came to present themselves before the Lord and who would show up but Satan himself!

I know, the nerve right?

Well, this creature of old, that sly serpent and OUR adversary, decided he too would go and have a few words with the Almighty.

When God asks where he has been, Satan replies, “From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.” Ugh, doesn’t he just make your skin crawl?!

Anyway, as the exchange continues, we learn Satan doesn’t balk at the opportunity to do exactly what scripture tells us he’s a pro at, seeking someone to devour. He proceeds to wreak havoc on Job’s life.

And with God’s permission no less! Maaaaan, that’s a blog post for another time!

Soon, the negative side effects of Job’s unsuspecting involvement in a heavenly wager start to take their toll.

He loses his children, his wealth and ultimately his health, just shy of losing his very life. Can you imagine the salt in Job’s fresh wounds when his unhelpful friends come for a visit? Not only do they question Job’s character, they actually may have won the award for “Worst Human Beings to Ever Live” when they suggest he chuck something other than deuces at God and commit suicide.

This unwanted sick and shut-in ministry may seem disturbing but there’s a glimmer of hope…

God’s MIGHTY hand in all this was big enough to hold Job together despite all his problems!!

By the close of this drama, we find a much happier ending. Job does not curse God. And Job does not die. In fact, quite the opposite happens. May I suggest you read the rest of the story so you can marvel at the awesomeness of God?

Well, you may be wondering how this relates to the start of my post.

You see, the underlying assertion in Michelle’s song implies that the yeses of Jesus are about happy, go-lucky sorts of things.

This is correct.


 I would go one step further and add when Jesus says “yes” we have to also accept the fact that His yes transcends the boundaries of our preferred yes.

My “yes” and/or the “yes” I want to hear from Jesus is often a self-centered yes. I mostly want his yes to lead to my happiness, my peace, my blessing, and ultimately my comfort.

I must never neglect the reality that he actually is Lord over all and can say yes whenever, wherever and however he likes! To sum this up in a word…he is Sovereign.

Its my job as his follower to accept this and Him as such.

Though, right now, I’m not suffering from the heart ache of child-loss or the physical pain of boils like Job did, I still face some pretty hard yeses from Jesus at times.

If we read the receipts of countless others in Scripture we might realize our need to open our ears a little bit more to what a “yes” on Jesus’ lips sounds like.

Ask Abraham. Ask Samuel. Ask David. Ask the three Hebrew boys. Ask the disciples. Ask Paul. And then ultimately, ask Jesus himself!

I’m sure they all experienced many joys from a Divine “yes”. But let’s not be too hasty to forget they were also well acquainted with some equally painful yeses.

The next time we find ourselves humming along to our soul’s rendition of Say Yes, we may benefit from not only mouthing the words but by also prudently heeding them.

It’s for sure that on this one, Michelle definitely got it right.

And so can we!

We merely have to tune our heart’s radio to Jesus’ heavenly chorus in order to experience the fulness of life that he brings.

Thanks for reading and I’ll catch you next time!

Until then, I’ll fade you out with this:




  1. Me and my girls love that song too and dance to it often. It definitely can be difficult when God tells you to do something or God allows something to happen in your life that you weren’t prepared for and wanted God to change that circumstance…I know that all too well. But all things work together for our Good and I truly believe that! Great post! I love your blog, keep writing Courtney!

  2. Hey Stacey! Thanks so much for the comment! I totally agree with you. Its such a hard truth at times to accept. But you’re right, God always works it out for our good. That has happened so many times in our lives, especially ways in which we never expected. Thanks so much for the encouragement too! I’m glad you enjoyed it and I’m excited for what God will do with this writing journey He has me on. 🙂

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Courtney B. Dunlap

Christ follower. Wife. Mother. Friend. Writer...and excited to grow! I believe there's a need for more down-to-earth online spaces in which moms like you and me and anyone else in-between can explore the in's and out's of homeschooling free from competition yet rich with encouragement. My hope is that all that you find here will provide just that!


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