Are you ready for the Virtual Homeschool Info Session?

Exciting news!!! My friend and fellow homeschooling momma, Martina M. Davis, is organizing a free virtual homeschool event you DO NOT want to miss!! The Virtual Homeschool Info Session is coming up August 4th-6th, 2020 and it is jam packed with invaluable information about homeschooling! I’m proud to also be apart as a guest reader….

A 5-Day, No Stress Volcano Unit Even You Will Enjoy!

“Mommy can I blow something up?” This was the question my semi-bored and extremely curious 8-year-old asked me a couple of weeks ago. As you all know, due to the insidiousness that is COVID-19, literally the entire country (if not world) is on a very real and very necessary lockdown. If you’re anything like me,…

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7 Things I’m Doing for My Kids’ Spring Break

SPRING BREAK IS HEEEEEERRRREEEE!!! I don’t know about you, but on this 13th day of April, 2020 is already turning out to be a whole mood! *PHEW* We have all been in a collective holding pattern and its unclear when we will be released. I don’t mean to make light of this very serious COVID-19…

5 Helpful Homeschool Resources for Traditionally Schooled Children

We are living in uncertain times! With the constant flow of daily reports about new cases of the disease caused by the cornonavirus, officially named COVID-19 popping up, every facet of society is experiencing unprecedented impacts! I’ve always advocated for parents who desire to educate their own children. However, it doesn’t matter where that educational…

…And sometimes we study plants! (a five-week unit study)

As homeschoolers, we study a lot of things, I mean A LOT! Mathematics, reading, phonics, language arts, science, history, social studies, foreign language, creative writing, poetry, folk tales, art, music, multi-cultural studies, geography, Bible…and so much more in no specific order! …and sometimes we study plants! If you want in on how we did it…

Why Homeschooling…the series – How to Homeschool (part 3)

If you’re like me, whenever embarking upon a new endeavor, you do some pretty thorough recon. You may scour the internet, read up on an influencer in that field, or ask people who’ve already walked miles in the shoes you’re still trying to put on. The first two installments of this blog series cover the…

Why Homeschooling…the series – What is Homeschooling? (part 2)

In the last installment of this three part series, “Why Homeschooling”, I covered my “Why” for why I’ve chosen to homeschool my children. Today, I’ll turn my attention to what exactly is homeschooling and what it isn’t. In a day and age in which so many blog posts, podcasts and websites are dedicated to the…