I Am a YouTube Homeschool Junkie! (Part 1)


I don’t stay up til all hours watching angry cat videos. And despite the timeliness of certain hair tutorials for the latest crotchet style, I’ve found a far greater use for Youtube as a homeschooler. I must admit, I am a YouTube Homeschool Junkie! ðŸ˜±

Let’s go on a journey to discover my ten favorite YouTube channels for science. Who knows, at the end of this, you might become a YouTube Homeschool Junkie too!!

1.) Mosa Mack Science Takes the Mystery Out of Science

Any of your kids like a good mystery? My middle daughter enjoys playing detective. I found Mosa Mack Science is exactly what my pretty little brown girl needs when looking for inspiration in the field of science discovery. Mosa Mack Science has plenty of mini episodes to wet your science whistle! As an added bonus, this song is pretty catchy too!


2.) The StoryBots Aren’t Just Cute They’re Pretty Educational too!

About two years ago, my oldest became infatuated with the solar system. As I sought out a means to quench her thirst for knowledge, we stumbled upon the StoryBots channel! Check out this little toon about the Solar System:

They also have plenty of others, we especially like their song about the sun. The title alone, “I’m So Hot”, cracked us up!

Best of all, the StoryBots were recently made available on Netflix!

3.) Dr. Bionics Knows a Whole Lot About a Whole Lot!

As we leave summer behind, have you ever wondered why mosquitos bite? Do you know the cause of your tiny tike’s constipation? Or how about the invention of the substance every homeschooler loves to hate, Play Doh? Well, Dr. Bionics knows! This clever show featured on the Peekaboo Kidz YouTube channel is jam packed with science discovery tell alls! Take a look.

4.) Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum’ Youtube channel rocks!

I’ve always been intrigued by our vast universe and how unknown it is. As a child I remember my parents packing us into the car for a trip to D.C. to explore the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Well, they have a YouTube channel here and if you’re feigning for more, check out their related Facebook Page Stem in 30!

In the meantime you can Ask an Expert about what the preparations for human space flight are like.

5.) Get Your Green Thumb On At Kodesh Gardens

I have a literal and figurative “brown thumb” y’all! I kill everything green. :'( The sad thing is my grandmother grew just about everything that found its way onto my plate as a child. You’d think a little bit of her garden savviness genes would have been passed down but alas, nope! Anywho, I’ve found some good gardening advice and tips from the Kodesh Gardens YouTube channel. They also have some cool non-gardening related videos about beekeeping.

6.) Check out Nat Geo Kids aka National Geographic Kids

I LOVE Nat Geo! I mean, they’ve got everything you’d want to know about all things weird, wild and wacky. Satisfy your curious child (or inner child for that matter) from the comfort of your couch, with the Nat Geo Kids YouTube channel!

7.) If Nat Geo Kids Wasn’t Enough Head on Over to Nat Geo Wild!! 

I said it before, we love Nat Geo! So why not fully go wild with their sister site, Nat Geo Wild?! Live animal safari feeds, Shark Fest and Animal Fight Night are just a few of Nat Geo Wild’s heavy hitters! You can also see the more rare and beautiful sights of the wild with this footage of a new Bird of Paradise species!

8.) What Plants Talk About Documentary

I know this one isn’t a YouTube channel per se but its still fascinating nevertheless! The kiddies and I began watching this documentary and were sucked in from the first scene! The What Plants Talk About documentary is beyond amazing if you’re looking for another way to enhance you’re botanical studies!


9.) SciShow Kids Explores What Makes You Go “Why?”

Ever wonder what the world’s ugliest animal is? Well you’ll find that out and more on the SciShow Kids YouTube channel!

10.) How the Body Works with Chloe and the Nerb

And for our finale, you’ll discover how the body works with Chloe and the Nerb on the KidsHealth.org YouTube channel. Chloe and the Nerb are funny and fascinating all at the same time. If you want to know how your skin works you can find out here:

One final YouTube channel that is a great runner-up is none other than Nasa! They’ve got so many interesting live videos you’ll want to be careful you don’t get sucked in for hours!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this rundown of awesome science related YouTube channels. Please let me know in the comments what some of your faves are! And be on the lookout for my next installment of I Am a YouTube Homeschool Junkie (Part 2) where we explore YouTube channels dedicated to history ! Thanks for reading.












    1. Oops! Oh Andrea, how did I miss this comment? Yikes! Lol sorry girl. I’m glad I could lend some other suggestions. Thanks for reading!

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Courtney B. Dunlap

Christ follower. Wife. Mother. Friend. Writer...and excited to grow! I believe there's a need for more down-to-earth online spaces in which moms like you and me and anyone else in-between can explore the in's and out's of homeschooling free from competition yet rich with encouragement. My hope is that all that you find here will provide just that!


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