My Coloring Activity Book is Almost Here!!!

My coloring activity book is almost here!

Next Monday, January 18th, is a BIG deal!

The Rumble Hunters Coloring Activity Book will FINALLY be available for purchase on all major platforms! I need your help to celebrate and make this new project a success!

I am super excited because I know it’s going to be a fun adventure for all the special kiddos in your life. No matter if it’s your own child, niece, nephew, little cousin or even your next door neighbor, they’re going to love it!

I’ve teamed up with several authors and some pretty dope Black-owned businesses to celebrate as well! You don’t want to miss the spectacular giveaways we’re cooking up just for YOU! ✨

You’ll need to follow me on IG: @courtney_b_dunlap to find out how you can be eligible to win. These authors and shop owners have partnered with me to giveaway their coloring books and cool picture books and possibly even some merchandise from their online stores! I’ll be going live on my IG each day next week to announce the winners!

Be sure to check my Instagram every day next week for the official rules and a chance to win!

And while you’re at it, go ahead and follow my friends who will be helping me celebrate on Instagram right now!
Author Lora McClain-Muhammad –@loriannmcclain1
Author Jermecia L. Starks – @drjamsteam
Online bookstore Brown Boy Brown Girl owned by Teresa Baker – @brownboybrowngirl
Online bookstore Be Bomb Book Club owned by Christina Williams – @bebombbookclub

Don’t forget to visit my Amazon store and purchase a copy of this amazing coloring activity book on Monday, January 18th! Your support on that day whether through buying, simply sharing, and even reviewing it will truly mean the world to me!

Thanks so much for your love and support!




Courtney B. Dunlap

Christ follower. Wife. Mother. Friend. Writer...and excited to grow! I believe there's a need for more down-to-earth online spaces in which moms like you and me and anyone else in-between can explore the in's and out's of homeschooling free from competition yet rich with encouragement. My hope is that all that you find here will provide just that!


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