We Went to Africa – Travel Series! (Part 6)


We. Went. To. Africa…Cameroon and Democratic Republic of the Congo style

(Part 6)

Woo! What a summer!

Can you believe that in only one day, September 1st will be upon us? Well you know what that means. Soon we’ll be seeing yellow school buses and flashing lights, feeling the crisp air on our faces for our morning commutes and taking in the sights of brightly colored foliage for miles and miles.

In all this pending change, I’ve wanted to continue with our Africa series for sometime now. Good new folks, you’ll have to wait no more…here it is!

Heads up, make sure you keep up and stay with the group, this is gonna be a quick trip!

Trip #1: Cameroon

Meet your tour guides:

Welcome back travel buddies! You’re in for an exciting time as we explore the beautiful county of Cameroon located in Central Africa. If you’re a bit hesitant to dive in, relax, our tour guides have got it covered. Meet teenagers Louise-Marie and Elodie as they introduce you to what they enjoy most about their country and the hopes they have for what it can be in the future. Check out more of their tour.

Louise-Marie and Elodie will leave you wanting more so be sure to explore the rest of what this website has to offer here:


That’s some wild wildlife!

Cameroon is home to screaming red and green monkeys. With this in mind, I thought it’d be interesting to hear from the howler monkey (found in southern Mexico to northern Argentina) who proudly holds the title of loudest animal on earth! That’s wild! Find out more about these amazing creatures here:

And then swing on over to your local library and grab this fun book!


A Tricky Folktale!

You know a trip to Africa wouldn’t be complete without a tale of trickery and wits. Here’s one you’re sure to enjoy!


Sense Pass King, A Story from Cameroon by Katrin Tchana

Sense Pass King tells the story of a clever little girl named Ma’antah. Witty, resourceful and full of confidence from birth, Ma’antah is given a new name, Sense Pass King and becomes the ire of her king. Over the course of several adverse circumstances he puts before her, she proves successful over them all. Find out how she outwits the king and leads her kingdom to a bright future.

Trip #2: Democratic Republic of the Congo

Welcome Center!

You’ll find out all you need to know about the Democratic Republic of Congo (the DR Congo for short) right here on the Our-Africa website! The DR Congo and the Republic of Congo could easily be confused. When I first heard about them, I definitely was! But as this site explains, they’re often referred to as the Congo Basin. Phew! That makes more sense! Explore this site to learn more.


Grab Your Gear!

If you’re feeling frisky, grab your gear and get ready to hike the world’s most dangerous volcano, Mount Nyiragongo! If you’d rather go the safer route, check out the trek a few daring souls were willing to brave on their hike to Virunga’s most popular tourist attraction.


Raging Congo Creatures

As we end our journey to the DR Congo, we must make one last stop at the mighty Congo River. Its raging waters and formidable creatures have forged some of the most uniquely adapted fish and animals. Catch a glimpse of what it has to offer.

** NOTE: For sensitive young ones you may want to skip this video and head on over to this one instead:

60 Seconds of Life on the Congo River

Thanks for trekking with us! We hope to see you back real soon for another installment of the We Went to Africa Series! And if you’ve missed any of our other trips be sure to check them out here: We. Went. To. Africa Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.









Courtney B. Dunlap

Christ follower. Wife. Mother. Friend. Writer...and excited to grow! I believe there's a need for more down-to-earth online spaces in which moms like you and me and anyone else in-between can explore the in's and out's of homeschooling free from competition yet rich with encouragement. My hope is that all that you find here will provide just that!


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